Counselling with JoCounselling Service in Swansea

MBACP (British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists).

Counselling Qualifications
Post Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Practice: Emotion Focused Therapy, University of Wales, Trinity St. David, Swansea
Post Graduate Certificate in Counselling Skills, University of Wales, Trinity St. David, Swansea
BA (Hons) Psychology and Counselling, University of Wales, Trinity St. David, Swansea
Counselling Children and Young People Advanced Specialist Training - NCS Accredited Course
Relational Couples Counselling Post-Qualifying Certificate
Diploma in Relational Couples Counselling

ASIST: Applied Suicidal Intervention Skills training
Positive Psychology
Managing Stress in the Workplace
Understanding Attachment Theory
Mental Health First Aid

Qualifications. BACP

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